Week 1 - Dedicate Time to Reading
Week 2 - Planning Reading Workshop
Week 3 - Teaching Students to Love Reading
Week 4 - Curating a Classroom Library
I have to admit, at the start of this chapter I decided this was my least favorite. But then, I reached the list of books Donalyn suggest reading at the beginning of the year for read-alouds. It was the perfect way to get me motivated to transition into the new school year and begin thinking about where I want to go with my students. So for this week's, I wanted to share the books (with links, so you can access them as well) I plan to add to my year's read-alouds list.
"The most effective reading teachers are teachers who read." (pg. 106)
Fostering School and Home Reading Communities
While Donalyn listed quite a few ways to do this, there were a couple that I could easily see implementing since I don't know how easy it would be to get my admin and entire school on board for this school year. But I can sure try for next year! You'll have to read this chapter to see what I'm leaving out. :-)
Here's what I AM going to include this year (pgs. 92-93):
- Reading recommendations and home reading tips whenever I communicate with parents in newsletters or on my class blog
- Add a weekly student book recommendation to my e-mail signature
- "I am currently reading..." sign outside of my classroom door
- Pass out books during parent conferences and PTA/PTO meetings
- Teach parents simple ways to incorporate more reading into family routines
Books that Build Communities
Like I mentioned above, this part was my favorite section of this chapter. Several of the recommended books are those I already use in my classroom, so I didn't include them below...so I definitely order you to read this chapter to see the rest. ;-) I mean that in the nicest and most helpful way of course. Which books do you already read for your read-alouds? Do you see any below that you want to try out?
Communities that Read and Write
Ask Me by Antje Damm and BookSpeak! Poems About Books by Laura Purdie Salas
Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It: False Apology Poems by Gail Carson Levine
Communities That Value All Members
Hound Dog by Linda Urban and The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger
(2 years ago my class and I got to Skype Tom and we loved his books, I never thought to use it as a real-aloud though, but I totally will this year!)
Communities That Have Fun
Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein and I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen
The Wonder Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Communities That Care about the World
A Bus Called Heaven by Bob Graham and 14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy
Laundry Day by Maurie J. Manning
We would love to hear and see your ideas! Link up with your thoughts about Chapter 3: Wild Readers Share Books and Reading with Others or comment below. :)
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